Blencathra Field Centre

Full information about Establishment Blencathra Field Centre at centre, Blencathra Street, Keswick, England CA12 4SG. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


centre, Blencathra Street, Keswick, England CA12 4SG
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Phone number:
+44 17687 79601



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Blencathra Field Centre

Reviews about Blencathra Field Centre

  • MotivatedMuffin
    ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Well. Where do I begin *clears throat*.

    The bad:

    The bedrooms were mediocre.
    Why was there a sink and no toilet?
    The actual toilet could hardly flush.
    The showers were small and bad.
    The food was meh.
    Why was there 2 vegetarian choices and 1 meat choice?!?!?!??
    There needs to be more meat.
    The whole centre smelled real bad (especially the drying room).
    Why did it cost 50p to play pool?!?!?!? What a rip off.
    The sink in the toilet was too small, I could hardly wash my hands in it.
    The soap was also too small.
    The toilet paper was horrendous.
    Why did we have to do work in the evening? I was overloaded with education.
    The TV was bad, there was no remote.
    The coffee was bad.

    The good:

    The views were ok.

    Not recommended.
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